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Thursday, May 20, 2010

i walked up to him and asked him: do you have a moment to spare?
he said: wait a while...
after waiting for a bit, i just walked away.

i walked up to him again after some time, and asked him the same question.
this time, i also asked: are you busy?
he said: yes, very busy.
after that, he was sorting his stuff and i walked away again.
i thought: i don't have to say this. it doesn't really matter i guess.

so i walked away, without telling him that i am missing him.

~ { 12:22 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

can i say i'm tired too?
guess everyone is.
or maybe both of us are.
that's why maybe both of us need a break from each other.
i'm not saying i'm tired of him. but ya, u nv rly will know how the other party feels.

i feel fucked up at work too.
with people yelling here and there, people like jessie jumping to BIG and WRONG conclusions and scolding you for no apparent reason - NO, she doesnt apologize at all. and she's fabulously stupid for having no reasons to get loud with others at all. excellent. excellently disgusting shit.

great example of how stupid she is:
- she asks how does she sees the technical feedbacks of the team this month, and she kept asking where is it. (supposed to be in MS access, but she kept asking how come nv show her - it was nv a thing to show her, cuz she has access, and she can jolly well open the program and check it out herself. it has to be that way.) so i was like telling her 'now only left access, no more excel.'
she: den how come nv show to me?
after explaining abit and she demanding more, i told her: jessie, can you open up access and check it urself?
den she began to say : okie. den see how 1st. im busy.
mi: okie.
out of goodwill, i decided to help her compile the feedback from access and email it to her.
so i did, and she replied, saying she wants the solutions as well.
like wtf?
o pls. i'm not obliged to even help email to her you know that?
it was purely out of GOODWILL and RESPECT for an elderly lady/senior colleague like her that i decided to just help compile. the rest, if she rly wants to know, go and check it out herself la! KNS!
o ya. forgot to mention, not even a word of thanks from her.
i hope no matter what she does from now on, nobody thanks her at all. seriously. just to let her know how it feels. (come to think abt it, she wouldnt know, cuz she doesn't rly help ppl ard.)

back to topic.
i don't know how long will the break be.
but i hope everything will be back to normal.
and when i say normal, i mean back to 26th sept. :)

~ { 8:04 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Friday, May 14, 2010

maybe i should change my job or sth like that.
it seems pointless anyway.

and i hate doing meaningless stuff.
no challenges, no achievements, no encouraging people around, only those who push you down.

okie, maybe my reporting officer's not bad. at least she tries to encourage me.

other than that, really, forget it.

okie, maybe there's a fair few who's nice at work. FEW.
and they're people like Jia Le, Tien Siang, Mdm Ong, Mdm Tan and a few more of the temps. just a few more.
the rest of the people are just political bitches, be it males or females.
not that the gender matters anyway, cuz it's like you have to face them everyday.
all of us just put on a smile when we see each other. no choice, may that be.

like some fair few, will 'sister! why you always see me never say hello to me?!'
den i'll be like: u also never say hello to me, u like so busy le. dont disturb you. / i busy running here n there leh..

if i dont say hello to you, it just means i cant be bothered to.
if i dont smile at you, it means you are not that friendly towards me too. so why should i?
everything on top or else it's cuz i'm purely busy and just cant be bothered with you.
UNLESS your name is Jia Le, Clement or SK.

yeah. i'm just that kind of person. i don't get friendly with people as long as they don't appeal to me.
i'm very straightforward, so once someone pisses me off, they dont really get away with it without my sarcasm too.
so ya, don't bitch ard with me! :)


just got 'maligned' by one of the senior staff again. i call her mk.
always doing f-up things. blaming others ard her for this and that.
how come she doesnt think: what will happen if all these people aren't around and not helping her?
bet she doesn't know wtf is teamwork.
bet she doesn't use much of her brains now. really.
one fine day, i'll shoot back at her til she really shuts the fuck up. __

~ { 10:07 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

random ranting...
long day at work today!
having a bad headache now. one that is causing me to vomit. -.-

it must have been due to the manual labour done today.
up and down the stairs, bringing up and down loads of things.
not to mention that it wasnt much of my business, just that i don't really love rejecting people when they ask for my help.

helped kenneth to shift more than 30 over sets of books. each set 3 books. not to mention i have to shift them from level 2 to some other room at level 1. bth. -.-
the old survey forms.

up n down.

n the worse thing, is to hear people ask 'where's clement?' when all they have to do is just sth very simple, and that's to just grab a few books and help bring it down.
is it really so difficult? what? why must clement do everything???
you can't take it and clement has to do everything??
screw it then, leave it to us and we'll take it lo.

people - they don't ever learn to appreciate things. if sth is great, they don't praise you at all. when sth goes wrong, all of them start to point fingers at you. and they forget everything that you have done.

~ { 8:54 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

the 20 things i love abt him. :)
1) the gentle and patient way he talks to me even when he's feeling tired and sleepy at night.

2) the way when i said i want to eat curry chicken and kang kong and he will give a straight 'Okie lo, i'll cook that.'

3) the way he hugs me out of a sudden. it always gives an extra sweet kind of feeling.

4) the way he gives me even just a light peck on my cheeks, just to tell me he appreciates me.

5) his sense of humour - esp when he asks me 'where is my briefcase which contains my suit?'
yes, that's humorous of him. =x

6) the way i know he'll never let me starve or go hungry as long as i'm with him.

7) the way he'll finish up my food when i'm really feeling full or when i don't enjoy it. in short, he's a la ji tong~

8) his confidence.

9) the way he remembers other details like 'why you let other people hold your hand' after you tell him lots of things and he only said that. haha! and then you tell him 'no la! i'm just joking la!' =x

10) the way he always asks whether i'm feeling unwell - whether is it that i'm having gastric pains, headaches or chest pains.

11) the way he sings.

12) the way he always makes me smiles. :)

13) the way he treats his family and friends. he's a filial son, a very good brother and a must-have friend (i think sths he will treat his friends better than me lo! pui! =x).

14) the way he drinks, and after that tells me how much i mean to him. yes, i think he only does it when he drinks. -.-

15) the way he works. he's efficient and smart! :D

16) the way he cares for me by asking me to cut down on my mayonaise and snatches it away!! nobody will ask me to do that! -.- only my mum will, but it's cuz she doesn't want me to grow any fatter.

17) the way he laughs. okie, the way he laughs at me. -.-
at least i'm making him laugh too right! :p

18) the way he teases and 'disturbs' me! there's soooo many names he calls me. T.T
o ya, the way he instills jealousy in me is soooo special too. try telling your gf you're meeting another gf and saying 'oops' after that. special, uh? -.-

19) the times when he asks me out for movies, dinners, and asks me where i want to go to no matter how tired he's feeling.

20) just him. :)

*just as i come up with this list and love him for who he is, i think i can come up with a list of 10 things which i detest too! =x*

~ { 9:36 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Monday, May 10, 2010

and i'm feeling bored at home.
there's nothing to do at home, except that i can use my com to go on facebook, update pointless statuses, read what my friends comment on the previous statuses, watch tv, wait for 9pm show (cuz once that's over, off to sleep i go at perhaps 10 odd? of cuz, not forgetting my phone call with him).

boring til then.
cuz there's absolutely nothing else i can do til then.
dont want to call and bother him too, since i know he's having a bad headache and there're already enough things on his mind.


7th may, friday: we just had dinner and went home. had abit of an argument cuz he insists that i go to the doctor to get my check-up done.
i rmb saying sth quite gong to him: today's friday le!
him: so?
me: cannot happier abit meh!

8th may, saturday: reach the doctor's ard 11.15am? waited for the dr for more den 2 hrs. think i left the clinic ard 1.45pm? -.- went to get tix for Ironman 2 first since he wasnt done with his household chores yet and cuz the tix for gd seats are really extremely difficult to get! he reached ard 3.30pm i think. and we just had a very fast lunch at the foodcourt before heading to the cinema for the 4.05pm show. the show was really awesome! and til today he's been asking where is the briefcase that contains his suit (that self-obsessed b of mine thinks that he's Ironman -.-).
went to Yishun to have dinner after that. and after walking ard for awhile, both of us decided to just have Thai Express. haha! i took my medicatio after that, and was telling him abt how my eyes will swell from drug allergies and he was both startled and laughing at the same time. -.-
after dinner, he was really sweet. though i know he's very tired already but he just continued to walk ard with me. so! we went to walk ard the jewellery shops, and he was like saying 'i don't mind paying 100 more to buy this ring for you.' - i dunno why you so gong too. hahaha!

9th may, sunday: mother's day! :D
the whole family celebrated at home this year. the adults prepared lots of food. even my elder sister and i had to get down to wrapping the fried wantons. haha!
the list of food: fried wantons, fried chicken wings, fries, noodles, soup, vegetables, chicken kebab, curry chicken and bread to go with it, popiah, bo bo char char & ah ma's specialty - chilli crab! :D
no pics though.
a necklace was given to my mum as a gift from the 3 of us. think she was really very happy cuz she started wearing it ytd.
anyway, i ate soooo much that i told him over sms that i'm sooo full that i felt that my stomach was gonna burst soon. -.-

long day at work today, had a long meeting with boss, ming sing, zhi qian, pei shi, jia min and jessie. only ended up with the conclusion that what was done and approved earlier has to be amended again. and i dont even know whether it can be done or not. will be a difficult task, definitely.
maybe from this week onwards, all of us will have to get busy again. this time, for census. :)

feeling tired already. dunno what's wrong with me these days. easily tired. -.-

~ { 8:23 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

i finally agreed. :)
on the 1st of may 2010, at night, ard 9 plus i think.

the funny thing clement said: i think i should ask you earlier, on maybe 29th instead.
me: why?
him: like that, if i want to make it a monthly thing, then i can save on a present! (cuz my birthday's on the 29th may)
me: -.-

i'm happy. but i dunno how long it will be before the sweetness and happiness die off.
i told eileen over fb that he doesnt seem very enthusiastic abt it.

maybe it's his work.. maybe, maybe.
or is it not?

im starting to feel abit different abt it?
ya, maybe..

~ { 12:00 PM }
aiming for the sky above;