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Monday, May 18, 2009

over the weekend:

15th may, Friday:
took leave on thurs for both meow n myself.
cuz 1st, it's a bit waste of time to juz come over in the morning, n go off at 12 noon to sch for the collection of the grad robe and to c the new interns.
so! meow, bryan n i were supposed to meet at 12 sharp.
n sth bad happened at hm.
i tink i nearly broke my window.
or rather, i tink i made it cracked.
it cracked into half.
n i started to panic cuz i didnt wan the window cracks to fall n kill someone downstairs. -.-
if i live on the 2nd or 3rd floor, i tink i wldnt b as worried. but living on the 9th floor didnt help things.
i was so afraid tt the fucking window will juz break, get shaky, fly down n hit somebody...

diz was wad happened:
i was closing the window when i heard a veri weird sound. n the next moment i checked on it, i saw a veri huge crack on the window.
i rmb tinking to myself 'i dun tink diz crack was here ytd when i closed the window.'

i hurried to call my dad, n my mum, cuz my dad didnt pick up his phone.
noe wad my mum said?
she said 'open the drawer n c whether there's any masking tape 1st. tape it up 1st.'
mi: huh?? ma, r u kidding mi? i'm so clumsy, who noes the window might juz fall outwards when i pressed gently to stick it all up?
she: well, it's beta den leaving it lidat. more risk of it dropping.

i decided to call my dad again.
n my dad's hp kept ringing. nobody picked it up.
i stood in front of the window n kept calling.
close to being too desperate to seek help, i tink i had tears welling up in my eyes.
in the end, i looked at the window, n started to tink of how i cld go abt using my mum's method.
whichever way i tot of, it cant possibly wk.

in the end, i kept calling my dad, til he finally picked up.
dad: kailin, wad happened?
mi: papa, can u come back hm now? the window cracked n i'm veri afraid tt it will drop n hit someone..
dad: okie. izzit shaky or still right in place n nt moving nw?
mi nt shaky. right in place, not moving.
dad: okie. den dun haf to b afraid. juz go off to wherever u need to go. dun b afraid. i'll go hm n fix it.
mi: okie...

aft he told mi nt to b afraid, i felt veri safe.
cuz i noe my dad is always a genius wif all diz household chores.
his assurance made mi felt safe, n tt i rly had nth to worry abt.

n to add on, it's been a while since i felt tt. :)

moving on!
i went to sch. actually ran for the bus.
tot i'll b late. in the end, meow n bryan reached later.
we went to collect our grad robes.
n it's 57 for the robe okie -.-

diz woman, i tink she's a lecturer, approached us to get us to help her in a video shoot.
we didnt wan to be in any video.
but she juz told us she needed 2 more students (meow n I).
the rest of them were already counted in -.-

guess wad happened?

meow, yong jie, bryan n I actually ran off when she wasnt looking. =x
okie la, abit bad la.
but we rly dun wan ma -.-

being random: i wan the rest of my money from FUSION back!

went to the fyp room.
to look at the new interns.
while being hungry doesnt help, waiting for an intern who's been gone for more den an hr for his lunch break doesnt help either.

damn. i hate waitin for guys. tt's juz dumb.

we waited for soooooo long.
n i started to get pissed.
i was even more pissed when he came in n didnt even apologise.
tt's juz rude. n i cant stand rude ppl.

when asked whether they cld crunch, the same intern mentioned tt he might nt be able to stay too late, cuz he has to 'meet his frenz'.

i said 'i'm okie, as long as u gif mi ur deliverables.'

yes, truth b told, u dun wan to mess wif the boss, but u wldnt wan to mess wif mi either.

i tink ppl in the company dun find mi veri nice to mess wif :s
tt's y when they always need an example of a fierce woman, they quote my name -.-''

when asked abt how's their fyp project, tt same intern said tt he's doing documentation nw, n i replied 'o.. no wonder ur lunch break so long...'


yeah, tt's mi. the sarcastic side of mi.
too bad for the person. =x

went to CCK showroom aft tt (the clothes showroom) wif meow.
gt a top costing 19.90 from there.
wanted to get more stuff. but nah, forget it, mayb another day.
plus i rly want to go elsewhere lyk shopping malls to tk a look at the clothes in there.
been itching to get clothes.
i even told jie 'next time they wan to audition for shopaholic again, i tink i shd go.'


it's true.
i tink i've been shopping too much.

aft the cck showroom, me n meow juz walked down to the bus stop n he called.
early for a book out. since it was onli 6.24pm.
we made arrangements to meet at yew tee st.
n meow n i even had to get out of the train in order to meet him on the platform itself.

went back to his hse wif him 1st, to put down his stuff n everything. he took a shower n we went off to J8 to meet EI n meow for subway followed by the movie, Wolverine.
nt a bad show actually.
beta den expected.

went back aft tt.
cuz next day, he n i were supposed to meet each oth early.

keyword, supposed.

16th may, saturday:

as usual, we didnt.

went to his place in the noon. tok abit, solved abit of things n were okie when we met up wif meow n the rest tt nite.
met up wif them at Iluma's Empire State.
waited for the food for quite some time.

the rest finished their food le, bogard, meow n my hawaiian pizzas still nt served yet. -.-
of cuz i started to get abit pek cek abt the wait.

awhile is okie. but to the extent the rest of the grp finished their food?
abt exaggerating, no?

wad i will do when i dine out:
i dun lyk to wait for long.
n whoeva says gd food muz b soooo long???
if food doesnt come, i will ask.
cuz normally aft tt, the food will come VERY fast.
n yeah, tt's wad happened.

*side note: if food doesnt come aft u ask for it, kp for it. if nt, change order la!*

went up to arcadia aft tt. watched desmond play some fighter game.
graphics nt rly there, but it's damn funny.
the characters, their outlook, their names, their special attacks. hahahaha!
it made all of us 'wth' while looking at it. hahaha!

when all of us decided to go hm, it was onli ard 11pm?

so he n i decided to go for a movie.
Angels n Demons.

quite nice. hahaha.
tinkin of getting the book n reading it.

movie ended ard 3 plus.
went hm aft tt.

17th may, sunday:

woke up ard 11 plus?
tt's the usual time for sundays.
went over to gran's hse for lunch.

in the late noon, juz b4 dinner, i was at my gran's hse, discussing abt the menu for my 21st bday wif my 2 aunties.
it sounds lyk they're cooking alot. *drools*

i might nt even wan to entertain much tt day cuz i wan to eat!!!! =x

there's gonna b some bbq food, homecooked dishes etc etc.....
n it's juz 2 wks away!

same goes for grad ceremony!

TODAY, 18th may: 

gt pissed diz morning cuz of the freelancer.
well, he's supposed to be a fren.
but nw, he's rly juz an aqquiantance.
it's weird to c how ppl change, n of cuz tt includes myself.
he pissed mi off diz morning by turning against wad i said earlier on?
by saying alot of things tt i dun feel tt it's right??
i can actually copy n paste wadeva he said, but nah, kinda lazy to do so nw...
plus, forget it.
if tt's wad he wants to say, if tt's wad he feels it's right, screw it la.
cant b bothered anymore.
wif such weird ppl.

~ { 4:58 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Sunday, May 10, 2009

i tot i've been rather crude when it comes to talking diz days.


i tot i stopped for a period of time.
n wad? abusing vulgarities.

some might even turn to look at mi if i start to use those words.

for one, i'm nt ashamed of using the vulgarities in front of ppl.
n shd ppl use it on mi, i'll b more den happy to use it back on them.
othwise, it'll be cuz ppl start using it, den i'll be more than happy to use it back.

1st scenario:
him: wa... i tel u ah, the weather is fucking hot!
mi: izzit?! y izzit fucking hot?!

:D tt scenario happens every wk when i c him.
n tt's juz to irritate him into stop hurling vulgarities.

i use it often when i'm wif xinyi, rhian, ruiduan, chu ting, sihui n meow.
cuz when we gals get tght, we get fucking crazy and start using the vulgarities here n there.

any1 of them: *starts complaining abt sth* *adds on all the vulgarities in btwn*
mi: fucking hell! he tinks i lyk it ah?!!

n it happens every wk.
or mayb most of the days of the wk.

enuff abt vulgarities.
tok abt ytd nite while at alex's hse.
i overheard ed talking to him.

their convo went sth lyk diz:
ed: tt day u juz implied tt she's fat.
him: i didnt.
ed: yes u did.
him: no i didnt.
ed: gt lo.. u did say ma.
him: i didnt say she's fat.
ed: u implied.
*i started to stare at him. den pulled him over*

the day stopped there, cuz tt nite, it literally meant i stopped talking to him.
call mi petty.
o well.

he didnt want to explain. so forget it.

~ { 8:47 PM }
aiming for the sky above;