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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

great friends :)
hahaha! i tell u.

human beings need friends.

for one, I noe tt I have friends who support me and help me to get onto my feet anytime I fall.

One perfect example of such a good friend: MEOW THENG.


u noe she's the kind who will always be willing to help you up.
u noe she's really sincere when it comes to helping you up.
n u noe she wldnt let u shed a single tear if she can help it :)

tt's meow, my friend! :D

i'm proud tt i haf a friend like her.

of cuz, i dun forget other friends I have!

i'm waiting to go out with other ppl!

ppl lyk Si Hui!!
We nv fail to get tght, get sarcastic with each other, laugh at each other, bitch abt other ppl and enjoy the time tght! hahaha!

tt's us.

we dun meet up tt often, but still, we enjoy the time tght.
it's difficult to meet up due to differing schedules, but i'm hoping tt we can meet up more once we graduate! :D

she juz told mi tt day tt she's gt long stories to tell mi.
guess i haf long stories too :)

waitin for her to return from bangkok.
n she'll call mi soon, hopefully. haha!

she's scheduled to return today.
but dunno wad time will she b back in sg.

si hui is always a person who can make mi smile. since pri sch til now :)

n gosh, when is marion coming back?!!!! tt boy! he juz told mi wen b soon due to recession. :S
another gd friend gone.

hmmm, due to some reasons, i felt lyk talking to miss wati just now.
she's always someone 3e4 students can look up to.
she was the form teacher of our class tt yr.
nice n always approachable :)
felt lyk talking to her about my problems.
but dunno where I can begin.

hopefully the problems can be solved soon.

I think, I hope, I wish.

~ { 11:05 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

I Think, I Hope, I Wish.
the office secretary, Sharon, asked mi ytd 'ur feelin moody today?'
mi: ya, bad wkend, tt's y.
she: mayb monday blues.
mi: haha, den i'm gonna get wkday blues diz wk.
she: wad happened?
mi: juz feeling veri sian. *second tots* had quite a big argument with my bf.
she: o, can c tt, actually. dun worry, it's normal for arguments to happen, dun worry, everything will be fine.
mi: dun tink it's easy..
she: y? things can be worked out.
mi: but the thing is he nearly wanted to break up. aft tt den we agreed tt we'll tok diz coming wkend.
she: still, i believe everything will b alright, dun worry la..

juz nw she asked, 'so did ur bf call u?'
mi: no.
she: sms?
mi: no. 
she: den u nv call or sms him?
mi: gt... ytd i called him, he did call back. he said he had a long day.

hmmm.... mi n meow r tokin on msn nw.
she thinks tt things can be worked out n hopes tt things will be fine between mi n him.
i told her 'i think so too, i hope so too, n i wish so too.'

thus, the title for diz post: I Think, I Hope, I Wish.

~ { 10:57 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Monday, December 15, 2008

post dedicated to my friend, marion.
marion was nice. but demanding!

he was giving mi instructions on how to follow his blog -.-
he said it's easier to track my blog diz way. but i told him he's juz plain lazy. haha.

okie, we talk abt abit of things. n he took my mind on n off from the matter.
it's too bad he's away in Canada.
cuz he rly makes a very gd friend.
him being in Canada makes the both of us realize a number of things.

for him, he realized tt, those frenz who said 'we'll meet up when u come back. so rmb to call us!' -> n when he calls?
they're either bz with their own stuff, or just cant b bothered.

i realized, tt no matter how far away the oth party is, as long as u still haf the means to contact him/her, it all boils down to ur sincerity in keeping tt gd fren of urs :)

anyway, he was getting mi to put a profile pic for my blog so tt he can link mi up in his blog... aft so many tries n so long... he juz told mi tt the pic has finally been uploaded. he said it's cute... eew... :S

he told mi i'm lyk him in the past, onli tt he was feeling much better.
he said lyk mi, he was isolating himself from everyone.
so ya...
received smses, but I dun reply at all.
msn, depends on who.
some i replied, but politely told them tt I dun feel lyk goin out when they asked mi out.
marion n meow were the ones I reply to, answering their qns etc.

mayb tt's juz mi.
dun feel lyk meetin anyone, dun feel lyk talking abt anything more to anyone. :)

~ { 4:26 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

still crying. i cried again.
i rmb the start of this blog.
'Life is juz alittle sth from mi to u'
This was dedicated to him :)

Lots of the posts were blogged cuz of him.
Lots of the emotions were felt cuz of him.

I'm starting it again. Guess I will be blogging more this few days.

There's alot of pics tt I said I will put up, but never did.
I wonder whether there'll still be time n chances for mi to put up.

I've been thinking alot this few days.
about what I can do if things happen, about what I can do on the next talking session.

I've been crying alot to myself.
during bedtime, so much tt I cldnt get to sleep.
onli to realize tt I had cried myself to sleep the previous night n find myself waking up next morning and the whole vicious cycle starts.
Anywhere - on the bus, in the office.
The last time I cried anywhere was in the labs I guess. I think Bryan was startled when he saw me crying back then.

I have to say sorry to my friends and to my sisters.
Sorry for worrying them, but I dun think I will ever have the courage to say it to them.
tt's the way I am, i guess.

But besides saying sorry, I still have to say my thanks to my dear friends, for being there for me all along.

To my gd friend, Meow: I'm sure tt u will read this someday. Just want to say a very big thank you to you. u've been there with me when I feel way over the clouds or when I'm down in the pits. I noe it's not tt easy for u to hear mi out when I have problems, esp when I called u n just cried tt day, but I'm really appreciative of u being understanding and patient.

To Gilch, Killua, Cali, FJC and Aiax: ty guys for hearing mi rant. definitely not easy for u all esp when u guys have enuff problems of ur own. I noe u guys are always there, just to make a friend like me smile :)

To Wake and Marion: ty for giving mi the encouragement tt I need occassionally. I noe u guys can always be depended on to hear mi out.

To Xin Yi: ty for being there when I need someone to tok to too. jiayou for ur r/s too. hope u can have a happy ending with alex :)

To Desmond, Bogard, Cheryl, Eileen and Jason: FYP will be even more difficult for me to pass the days if u guys werent there. Thz for being my buddies for gossiping and bitching during that period of time.

without my friends, I believe tt I wldnt have come so far :)

But without Him, I believe I wouldnt have gotten by my life happily.

To Him: I believe we can still carry on, but it will get difficult and even more challenging if we want to work things out. definitely not easy, but that is if you're still willing to carry on.

~ { 10:43 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

I want to cry tonight.
i broke down crying this morning.
was I thinking of him? yes.
was I thinking of the happy times we had together? yes.
was I thinking of what we said we'll do together? yes.
was I thinking of telling him that I really miss him alot? yes.

but I never did send that msg out.
I dare not to.
I dare not say anything more.

abit too painful for me, but I'm still hanging on.

~ { 10:08 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Saturday, December 13, 2008

goodbye peeps.
time to open my blog but seal myself off.
been too tired, i guess.

dun really think i will talk if anyone sees me in real life.
on msn, maybe. it depends.

perhaps right now, i just need a hug.

sorry, i'm regretting already.
maybe it's better for you this way.

~ { 8:25 PM }
aiming for the sky above;