*wad is the world comin to???*
enuff of the above..
went for seg grad duty rehearsal today.. n realised another thing - the ambassadors whom I interacted wif today r nice ppl too! we were jokin wif one another when we suggested tt we get the ties for the new intake together.. n Hafiz kept mentioning tt I'm his maid? (really.. wad is the world comin to? hahaha)
we went for a short & quick breakfast when the lecturer said he wasnt ready yet n he asks us to go tk a break.. n amirul kept askin mi to treat em to breakfast.. rite.. kailin here is dirt poor.. haha.. yes, it's nt tt i'm being stingy.. if i haf the $$, i will treat em.. but wad to do when i'm damn poor? cannot lo.. mayb next time.. when i've saved enuff.. still haf to pay for my hp bill.. gosh.. my hp bills r killin mi.. n it'll explode diz mth.. haha..
went to mac for breakfast n back to audi..
one of the members mentioned tt i shouldnt haf put the last 2nd entry (for the team's blog) as 'it's been confirmed'.. n the reason being? cuz ppl will tink othwise by lookin @ the top portion of the website..
well, to show u guys wad i'm tokin abt..

so! as it's shown above, it's completely 2 separate entries..
so the next time i write another entry i muz tink abt wad the next person will put the title as? lyk how the hell will i noe wad the person will write? n i tot it's rather obvious tt members, by nw will noe tt the top portion onli states the Title of each entry? so wad does ppl expect mi to do? i'm seriously nt criticizing the members.. it's juz the situation tt makes mi tink back again n asked myself 'is life juz abt pleasing ppl in others' eyes?' y cant u b urself? juz cuz others feel uncomfortable wif it, doesnt mean a person has to change! -> as long as the person feels comfortable enuff, y nt?
unless the person's actions is creating a GREAT disturbance to others.. n i mean really great.. lyk breakin the laws? yes! diz is the kind of things tt ppl shd change for others, for their frenz n family.. but nt bloggin.. n next, i'm nt sayin tt i m rite cuz ppl misunderstood the top portion.. after all, it's a blog read by almost everyone in the team.. n for tt, i apologise.. yes, i apologise.. but no, i'm nt sayin it's my mistake thoroughly.. neither m i sayin tt shamsul is to be blamed juz cuz of wad he wrote for his title after my entry.. it's nobody's fault.. n he even clarified on the tagboard sayin tt it is being misintepreted.. n ya, for tt, i really appreciate his effort..
it's juz tt i feel ppl shouldnt blame it on mi.. it's lyk, wad for? n the 'as-if-i-noe-wad-the-next-person-will-write' theory comes into handy again.. i'm dead serious.. n sths the things i wrote r being edited again? so y ask mi to write? funny rite?
*u live in diz world bcuz of urself, & nt for others*
i'm nt angry or anythin cuz of the blog or anythin..
i'm juz feelin bad n kind of moody cuz of a fren.. it's no point when i juz kept apologising n i realised, the other party (nt the fren i'm tokin abt) dun really feel guilty or anythin much at all.. it's no point for mi to even apologise damn loads of times when the damage is done.. yes, i noe it can do great things.. but when it comes to situations lyk diz.. do u tink the fren will still trust u to handle things properly next time? n i'm serious..
but despite diz, i kind of enjoy my holidays.. okie, may nt b alot.. but i dun feel lyk goin back to sch! *oops!*
okie.. i m juz tired of sch.. n there's alot of things to b done n to go for next wk.. loads of rehearsals to go for.. lots of assignments to do again.. it's okie if u haf loads of assignments to do.. but wad happens when u dunno how to do all diz?
mi n meow were juz tokin tt day abt the problems we're facin being in diz course.. in diz course whereby we're juz playin some games n tt it's damn freakin ez.. but if those ppl really tink so, they shd try to b in our shoes.. halo! even the smartest ppl in our course can b dumbfounded by certain things we haf to do alrite? n we dun play games! we program games! it's nt sth which u can pass juz by studyin.. n wadeva we're studyin nw, is @ uni level.. n onli the cream of the crop will survive in diz industrial field in the future.. so do u still wan to compare n tink our course is damn ez nw?
we're juz waitin to complete our dip n off we go.. b it wk or continue to study.. (mi n meow will nv continue in diz specialization again.. we're juz too tired..) n i will definitely nt wk in diz area the next time!
enuff of ranting non-stop abt the bad times.. i'm nt very unhappy exactly.. haha..
*slippin into dreamland...*
or rather, i will try to b a tai tai.. haha.. everyday @ hm, learn how to cook can already.. (provided tt my husband earns enuff for the entire family la!)
stayin @ hm n learnin how to cook isnt bad at all.. den when i'm free mayb can bring kids go out walk ard, go playground, haf MacDonalds.. yup! diz is exactly the kind of life i would lyk to haf.. but.... i would still wan to wk 1st.. i mean, i wouldnt wan to settle down @ the age of 20 plus n stay @ hm everyday.. it'll get boring.. n i'm the kind who likes to run ard n nt b trapped @ hm? hmmm.. actually i'm nt very sure too.. juz dun lyk to stay @ hm all day long cuz i'll probably slp til very late n get very restless.. n! it's nt healthy living @ all! cuz i'll juz eat, slp, watch tv n nt exercise.. n the routine goes on n on..
shawn says tt he wans mi to wk 1st.. n y? cuz he wans mi to noe tt no place is beta den hm n juz wans mi to stay @ hm after workin myself tired!
rite, he's smart thou..
but!! i'm nt the kind who goes shoppin all day long.. i juz dun lyk to walk ard the entire day! (k, mayb it's onli for nw cuz i dun haf the $$ to..) but the thing is.... my legs will hurt! (okie, mayb it's juz the shoes i'm wearin tt's makin my feet hurt..)
hmmm.. i still dun lyk shopping!
*snaps back to reality*
k, i'm back.. gonna tok abt sth else.. *happy mode nw*
went to sentosa wif shawn n ruiduan(she's my gd fren.. one of my bez buds in sec sch) ytd.. ya, juz the 3 of us.. but it's enuff! seriously! it was juz the 3 of us, lying down, tokin in the sea, playin truth or dare, wif most of the qns directed @ Ruiduan.. haha.. no obvious sunburn diz time.. onli a small area of my shoulder hurts.. but tt's all..
on the way back to vivo city, i was bz smsing the ppl for grad duties.. i even sat down in 7-11 to sms while rui was havin some food.. n rui n shawn juz stare n stare n stare... naggin n naggin all the way... haha..
n wilson (shawn's buddy) joined us @ vivo city after tt.. n we went to food republic to haf our early dinner.. yet, after dinner..... i still wasnt full at ALL..
tink there's a prob wif mi.. wadeva i eat nw doesnt seem to b enuff.. i'll still b hungry after tt..
n back to the outing.. it was damn fun! mi n shawn were makin fun of wilson n Rui the entire time! nope, they didn noe each oth.. but we juz carried on.. haha.. it's okie, the 4 of us r the kind who can crack n tk jokes, makin fun of each oth.. nt the kind who'll turn their backs on u cuz they're petty.. n after we came out from a shop, rui n wilson went to toilet. nt the same time.. but when they came back...
mi: eh, so how? ur went to the handicapped toilet together rite?
n the 4 of us started laughin again..
soon after, we went to the top level of the building n sat there.. juz relaxin, enjoyin the scenery n tinkin of nth else but stayin out.. we didnt really wan to go hm ytd nite.. juz wanted to stay out.. n i mentioned tt the few of us shd haf a chalet the next time.. n shawn said tt wilson n rui can haf 1 rm.. n we'll leave 'em nth except some beer, poker cards n sth else.. (if u can guess wad izzit, den gd for u.. othwise, forget abt it.. haha)
n we started laughin again..
n we tot abt who else to ask to come along during our 'sep-chalet-still-in-the-plannin' process..
tot abt chu ting (she's also my gd fren.. one of whom i always hang out wif in sec sch).. but since we'll most prob b havin the chalet on a fri, sat n sun, ct wen b able to come.. cuz she always haf sth on on fris n sats.. n i asked 'em whether they wan to ask leon to come along.. he's another buddy of shawn n wilson.. but we said no in the end..
oth ppl lyk jeremy, jason, weiric.. all no.. cuz mi n rui dunno jeremy n jason well.. n it's gonna get damn weird? n they smoke.. i'm sorry.. it's juz my style.. if u wan to smoke, dun do it in front of mi.. but one of them happens to smoke, alot.. n i dun really lyk it.. so forget it..
n as for weiric, mi n rui juz dun lyk him.. he's juz another desperate guy who wans to go after every gal tt he sees.. n i juz dislike him for sayin certain things to shawn's ex... he shd juz screw off.. cuz the next time i c him, i wen b veri nice to him.. or rather, nt at all! n his behaviour is juz of another childish guy.. rui also says tt she dun wan him to pester her.. so forget abt it..
in the end, it's juz the 4 of us for the time being..
n we didnt stay out.. came hm to slp.. so much for tokin too much abt it.. haha..
some pics (during the entire outing):
everythin juz looks so peaceful...

alrite, i kind of forced him to tk diz pic.. haha..

silver surfer!
mi n rui!

i knew he wasnt serious abt takin a pic.. *sigh*
pics (below) rui took of mi n shawn, separately..
the last random pic: our slippers outside my grandma's hse.. hehe..

shawn went to DXO today.. cuz he'll b performin tml nite.. n he went there to get used to wad he's gonna do tml.. DRUMMING!!! yup! tt's his fav..
n i m, n will, go support him tml!!!
jie baked egg tarts, chocolate tarts, chocolate chip muffins n orea chocolate muffins today!!!
juz one word to describe it: FABULOUS!
i've always enjoy the food, cakes n everythin my sis whipped up with! it's.. *yum yum!* juz so nice!
she started baking from 3 onwards n juz end nw...
i suddenly feel lyk sayin diz..
I LOVE MY GRANDMOTHER! she's a very nice lady.. n she dotes on all of us alot.. she may tend to scold us sths.. but still, it's all for our own gd.. n when we're @ her hse, she makes sure tt we dun go hungry at all! she'll always feed us wif loads n loads of gd food! i juz LOVE HER SO MUCH!! ah ma! wo ai ni!!
she suddenly asked y i've grown thinner juz nw when I walked past her to go to the kitchen juz nw..
n i said: gt meh?
ah ma: ya.. muz b nv eat la.. ur (she's referin to mi n my sisters) always dun wan to eat.. ltr nt feelin well den faint how?
mi: i gt eat.. in fact, i always eat alot (it's true.. to be able to eat n haf gd food is a blessing!!!)
n she started tellin mi abt my younger sis who siad she didnt wan to haf any breakfast ytd mornin n juz had a cold drink instead.. haha..
*random stuff*
i'm feelin veri hungry nw.. seems lyk there're worms in mi.. how come i'm still so hungry nw? n sths, i juz dun haf the appetite for things.. y?
i'm tired.. wans to go slp soon..
o ya, jas n pris r sick.. hope they'll get beta!
meetin tml is cancelled..
he juz msg mi.. he's chillin out again.. damn, it's so late n he wans to chill out again? haiyo.. den tml wen b tired meh? =(
k, despite complainin, i'm still missing him.. n ya, he mentioned to mi tt day tt he watched jar-head(er... dunno whether it's spelt lidat or nt) n he was so damn afraid tt i'll run away when he's in ns.. haha.. no la, nt cuz his lack of faith in mi.. it's juz normal.. n i juz laughed at him.. again.. haha..
i miss my frenz!!!
faekah, meow, chu ting, rui (despite the fact tt we juz went out ytd), hasrul, rou hui, shi ting, thiam wei.. everyone!!!
listenin to lin yu zhong's melody.. nice song.. thou i dun really noe wad they're singin abt (it's in chinese n malay), but it still touched mi.. u guys shd go listen to it..
came across a quote in a mag ytd..
it was sth lyk:
'leaving is NOT conceding defeat, it is taking control'
n ya, i LUUVVV the quote!
it's damn true!
okie! diz entry is damn long.. been long since i last had such a long entry.. haha.. n it's 1.35am nw? cld haf log off earlier but carried on to upload the pics which i took @ sentosa ytd.. alrite! gtg! gonna b a bz day tml!