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Thursday, May 31, 2007

yes! we r happy!
so! i suddenly had the interest to read it so i went...
u guys might wan to go tk a look:
Click here!

haha.. can say tt it's truely entertaining..

the latest entry she tok abt is abt 'Insults tt dun wk'..
n it reminded mi of diz particular person!
nope, i wen say who izzit @ diz moment of time, cuz it'll get inconvenient for everyone.. onli a few gd frenz noe who the hell diz person is.. i can tel diz person straight to the face 'ur a bitch! n thz for tokin TOO much!'

& o, by mentionin the word 'bitch', it doesnt mean tt diz person is a female.. diz person can b acting too much lyk a woman too.. get it?

n back to her blog, i left a comment sayin tt 'some ppl juz haf too much free time on their hands'.. it's true, isnt it?

But anyway, Hasrul mentioned tt my blog has been quite negative lately.. (nope, he's nt criticizing it, he's juz being concerned.. as long as ur a fren, ur being concerned) --> diz does NT apply to bitchin behind ppl's back, u noe? keep ur stupid comments to urself or if u really wan to, tok to urself in the freaking mirror!

but it's also cuz i didnt haf had the time to blog abt the days when i'm happy! i'll do so when I haf time to spare in sch!

n yes, dun tink bloggers r sad ppl okie? (nt sayin tt Hasrul's sayin tt of bloggers, he didnt say anythin) but some ppl juz tink so.. some ppl juz tink bloggers r damn emo, sadistic n everythin.. siao ah! we also haf a life 1 lo! u can happy, we cant ah? most of us may juz b leading lives happier den urs!

@ least, I AM still able to laugh wholeheartedly..
if ur in a situation lyk mine, u might not b able to laugh at all..
u might even tink tt ur the most pitiful person in the world n curse the whole world.. (yes, some ppl will do juz diz..)

~ { 10:05 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Monday, May 28, 2007

20 things to look out for in A REAL bITcH
20 things to look out for in a bitch:
  1. They r hypocrites
  2. They tok behind ppl's back
  3. Hypocrites = Liars
  4. They R 2-headed snakes(snakes r even cuter den 'em, Medusa also nicer la, fucker!)
  5. They bring chills down ur spine
  6. They tink they're the smartest, but they're juz lyk another bitch who juz end up in another shit-hole?
  7. U look @ 'em & u juz tink they're disgustin
  8. U look @ 'em & it juz irks u
  9. They r LOSERS
  10. They juz like to screw up ppl's lives
  11. Assholes who put words into oth ppl's mouth
  12. They like to gif unconstructive comments
  13. Tink they themselves r very smart, when they bring ppl down in front of oth ppl n act lyk shit!
  14. Selfish, UNpleasant & Malicious lot who lyk to grumble ALOT!!! (n i really mean alot)
  15. They lyk to tok offensive
  16. They tink they're probably rite in everythin n tries to instruct u (*pukes)
  17. Or rather, juz lookin @ 'em makes u wanna puke
  18. They'll probably wanna KPO abt wad i'm writin nw n ask loads of qns.. unless I say on my own accord, shut the hell up n get back to ur own biz alrite?
  19. They juz lyk to insult ppl, workin partners or nt
  20. Juz a dog (i mean LiTeRalLy)

~ { 12:49 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

bitches, look out!
u can BITCH!
BUT dun ever trifle wif mi......

~ { 10:46 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

as of today, I hate him n MM!

~ { 3:01 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

red cross camp was okie.. nt tt the program flow was v great, but at leas t it ended wif a successful note.. successful given tt ppl came n the alumni committee actually gt to c the potential in others..

we onli had 2 rms for the camp.. y? thz to the DAMN TINK-SHE'S-VERY-SMART teacher!!

we were supposed to haf 3 rms.. one for guys, one for gals n one for the entire committee.. but she juz opened up 2 bloody rms for the guys n gals.. n told us tt the committee will slp in the boys' bunk.. siao ah!! tt brainless pig! tot moe gt rule wad.. says tt for camps etc, the gals n guys will haf to slp in diff bunks? n she's askin us to slp together? we haf 2 Sec 2s gals in the committee le! she said she didnt tink there was much to b discussed n tt the boys in the boys' bunk r onli sec 1s n they wen do anythin.. siao ah!! sec 1 boys nt growing up boys ah?

so i told the president tt the committee will slp outside lo.. at the study corner.. den the teacher said 'i'm the teacher in charge.. i say share means share..', followed by a msg sayin tt she's the teacher in charge n wadeva shit!!

come on la.. u wouldnt noe tt we DO haf things to discuss when the members go to slp cuz ur in the stupid freaking air-conditioned room!

n cuz of her, we had to shift our things ard wherever we go.. to bath, to wherever etc..
juz tink abt it, if we juz leave our bags in the rm, when the members r asleep n we juz go into the rm lidat to keep our stuff, wouldnt we b disturbing them? n she calls herself a teacher..

n according to the members, the food tt was catered was nearly inedible..
n when shawn came, the alumni committee asked him to help us get McDonald's.. hehe..

claudia developed chicken pox.. n she didnt wan to go hm even when we asked her to..

was damn tired on the 2nd day of the camp.. so while they were havin their PT, I juz slept on the sofa at level 2, above library..

tt day ended on a bad note thou.. cuz i had to punish everyone.. juz cuz of a particular member n their lack of sportmanship..

everyone was warned nt to drag their footwear during marchin n diz member continued draggin lyk nobody's biz!! so we told him to remove his shoes n hang it over his shoulders.. (yes, diz is wad was stated in the punishment slip) n somebody overheard him sayin the F word..

n when they were playin the obstacle course, he kept reprimandin n cursin diz gal who was tryin to lead him.. according to him, he didnt use any F words.. but to the gal n other witnesses, he did.. (others was kinda afraid to say it out to clear eveythin..) so in the end, both parties were made to apologise to one another.. the gal apologised cuz she didnt guide him properly n it led him to bump ito 3 obstacles(2 coke machines n a pillar)..n she juz walked off after he scolded her..

the guy apologised cuz he reprimanded the gal who was tryin to guide him..

but from the way u c they apologised, it juz sux..... they were nt sincere at all...


he said he had sth to tel mi.. shd b abt his problems.. n mayb we'll tok in class some oth day.. forgot to wish him happy birthday ytd.. it juz purely slipped my mind.. n ya, he turned 23..

juz signed up wif imeem.com.. n created a playlist..
i's a gd site.. helpful n most of the things i look for r there..
there's 58 songs in there nw!!! hahaha..

it's fast.. 7 more days left to my birthday..
n 4 more days left to 2 yrs 3 mths.....

~ { 1:49 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

if u noe n understand...
tt day he expressed his worries n concern again.. n he tried to break down my character, yet again...

it's okie if u've known mi well enuff or if i'm askin u of ur opinion of wad u tink of mi.. BUT dun start tokin abt how much u TINK u noe mi when i didnt ask u to.. it'll juz feel so strange if u suddenly tok abt all diz when everythin feels so distant between the both of us...

n yes, u already noe i haf him, n u shd noe how hard i'm tryin nt to gif u the wrong meanin by nt pickin up ur calls etc..

thank u for appreciating mi.. but i already haf tt special someone i really adore...

it's juz 10 more days to 2 yrs, 3 mths...
n 13 more days to my birthday...

~ { 12:00 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Monday, May 14, 2007

more den 10 days???
12 more days to anniversary..
15 more days to tt day...

~ { 10:21 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

purely juz BULLSHIT...
tok abt tt..
r u sure u can b tt gd urself???

~ { 8:41 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Sunday, May 13, 2007

it's juz nt tt gd...
so! went to amk hub for lunch today..

spent the afternoon at **** resturant (it's nt a vulgarity la!) laughin.. y? cuz the way u c the waitresses there servin food n everythin, u juz wan to complain abt them! n so, i was tokin to my family abt the place n service there n we juz kept laughing cuz i kept sayin i wan to complain over those 'minor' details..

i mean, look at the way they wk! n u'll probably noe wad i'm tokin abt..

1) the food is not fantastic at all in my point of view.. in fact, i tot it ought to b alot beta?

2) the table was so small tt there wasnt enuff space to put a plate of fried rice! n the waitresses juz kept serving lyk nobody's biz.. everythin was squeezed onto the table.. n when they r placing the plates all over the damn bloody small table, one of the waitresses actually toppled my chopsticks over.. n ya, she didnt even bloody apologise!

3) den they can put the bloody teapot n the bowl of soup so close to the bowl ur actually using..
excuse mi, wad if 1 of us topples one of the following n accidentally scald ourselves? will u be answerable for it?

4) n look at the way they wk! u will juz sit there n laugh! they were so slack la! everythin was so slow-paced! they kept the dishes so damn bloody slow n u'll sit there tinkin whether u'll fall asleep anytime!

5) when we asked 1 of them to serve us the dessert, she still had the cheek to tel us to wait!
A 'seem-to-be-rushing' Captain brisk-walked past, n we told him to serve the dessert.. n he immediately said okie! halo!! no wonder he's the CAPTAIN!

6) the chair came slow (we already told them tt there were 7 of us earlier on.. n even when 6 of us sat down, there was still the 7th chair missing!)

7) we requested for 7 towels, but they onli gave us 6! eh!! we requested 7 leh! which part of 7 dun they understand?!!

8) when I asked one of the waitresses for the 7th one (of cuz muz ask la! some of u may nt noe, but customers haf to pay the resturants who provide the towels!) --- the gal actually forgot!! it further worsened my impression of diz resturant!

9) their stupid table (the whole table was being nailed) 'injured' my cousin.. the nail was nt filed properly n it poked my cousin.. the bleedin was little, but halo, it's a customer!

10) we asked for a refill of tea, but ya, they forgot.. yet again........

11) i tot when we patronise oth resturants outside, they'll actually refill the tea for us? eh halo, i tot tt's basic customer service tt customers shd haf gotten?

12) to mi, serve wif one hand! othwise ur considered unprofessional!

13) they dun look very happy doin their wk.. ya, customers r nt everythin.. but ur in the service industry! customers pay to c ur gloomy face?

14) it's thz to these waitresses tt I felt tt the quality of the customer service of the service industry has dropped! damn kind of them!

n i'm tellin u, i will not go back to tt resturant ever again! it's expensive n the food is juz nt gd after all!

i wanted to feedback (in oth words, complain!) to their HQ or sth lidat.. but couldnt find the site or wadsoeva.. nvm! mayb i'll go back n ask them whether they haf any websites or anythin lidat..

my mum was sayin tt whoeva has mi in their resturant is gonna earn my $ the hard way.. it's really okie if i haf the money n i pay to haf the gd food..

but wad if ur food is nt tt gd? to mi, it's still acceptable as long as u haf the quality of GREAT customer service..

but!!! if ur food n customer service juz sux, u wen c mi in there again!

yup! tt's the way I am!

ya, i will tend to complain abt bad customer service, but there r alot of those in the service industry tt I've complimented b4.. staff from lyk Swensen's, thai express, long john, pizza hut etc...
if u've shown the gd side, i'll show my gd side too...

*will post the pics some oth day!*
gonna watch my tv show nw!

it's sch again tml...

PS. if u guys happen to noe wad resturant i'm tokin abt, n u noe the site, pls dun hesitate to let mi noe!!

~ { 9:57 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Saturday, May 12, 2007

it's mother's day!!
the entire family celebrated mother's day today!
everybody was there, my uncles, my aunties, cousins, everyone!!
it's been so long since everyone gathered at ah ma's hse!

n one of my cousin's voice break already! haha.. ya i noe there's no need to b so excited abt it..

but, I juz stood there n I was lyk 'hey! my cousin is growing!'.. n he's grown so tall! he's gonna b as tall as mi real soon...

anyway, had Peking Duck, Roasted Pig, fries, curry, bee hoon, satay, chicken wings, fried cucumber today.. cant really rmb wad else.. dun tink still gt la.. unless i didnt get to eat those?

n he reached my hse late today, so in the end we juz straightaway go ah ma's hse..
was rather unhappy actually, cuz when i called him earlier on, he said 'very fast, comin soon'.. n in the end, his 'very fast' resulted in more den an hr ltr..
so imagine how unhappy i was..
tt's the way I am, towards anyone.. if u cant handle it, dun promise u can.. cuz i'll probably b damn pissed after tt..

but i was okie after tt.. when we went to get Satay..
juz smile n laugh den okie already.. aiya, i always lidat de..
my anger wen last long normally.. unless it's sth really big!
othwise i'll b okie..

my aunt asked mi to coach Daryl in his sch wk..
but the thing is, i've to travel to her hse everyday.. n their hse is at Guillemard Rd? so i tink the whole thing is off.. cuz if i go everyday lidat, i wouldnt haf enuff time for sch wk cuz i've already spent alot of time on my ccas.. n assignments haf been comin in NON-STOP.. i've got 4 assignments diz wk.. n shit, i nearly forgot abt my jap hmwk too..

bought a four-leaf clover hp strap for mama n a hp strap for Da GuGu(my auntie).. *will post the pictures some oth day..* n gd tt both of them r happy!

gonna go amk hub tml wif mama, my sisters, my cousin, ah ma n da gu gu for lunch.. tt'll be our treat for ah ma diz mother's day!

gonna watch tv nw.. tata!

~ { 10:31 PM }
aiming for the sky above;

Friday, May 11, 2007

nth.. juz happy..
haha.. juz happy tt i'm meetin him ltr... n cuz of tt, i juz looked some websites up for some pictures tt depicts my happiness!! whether or nt it has the word 'happy', or nt..

finally, the onli 'not happy' picture?

~ { 9:03 AM }
aiming for the sky above;

Thursday, May 10, 2007

& it's back to the old long days...
so many things haf happened n so many tots haf been occurring in my mind..

b4 tt, mi n him r okie!! finally okie!! n the tot of it juz lightens up my dull mood n brightens mi up!!

so!! i'm gonna make things short, onli at diz moment.. dun really haf the mood to tok abt wad happened for the past 1 wk or so..

ya, it's juz another list but... it will tel many others abt mi again...

-ppl who malign oth ppl
-ppl who bitch!! wad r u? r u a BITCH?
-ppl who tok thru their hats w/out havin the slightest tot tt wad they juz said will hurt oths a great damn lot!
-dun tink ur the most innocent person in diz world.. come on! all of us can c thru u!
-ppl who c others' mistakes n nt their own fuckin problems!

taken from meow's blog:
"The ugliness we see in others, is a reflection of our own nature."

it's so damn true!!!
n if u cant c ur own mistake, fuck off!

~ { 4:22 PM }
aiming for the sky above;